May 8, 2018

May 14, 2018 Lauren 0 Comments

Hello family!
This week was a great one, but nothing too exciting happened for me to report on.
We had zone conference yesterday, which was great! It was just Aruba again, since it complicates things sometimes if we leave the island. We talked about the gathering of Israel and the role we play as missionaries in that. It was super interesting, we learned a lot about the Abrahamic covenant and Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon's role in it as well.
I don't know if I've told you all this, but one of our investigators, Candy, is getting baptized this weekend! She is from New York and has lived here for 22 years. She's been coming to church for a long time too (most of the members thought she was a member so they were confused when we told them she was getting baptized...), but never wanted the missionaries to come and visit her. Well, one Sunday, she came up to us and said "I want to be baptized." It was so exciting! We told her that we would have to visit her and teach her some things, and she it was okay, she just wanted to be baptized! Seriously a miracle. So we've been teaching her for about 3 weeks and she is all ready for her baptism on the 12th! We are super excited for her.
This Sunday in church was district conference, which is really interesting when you live on a tiny island. The district includes the 3 ABC Islands, so they do it over Skype! Everyone meets in their own meetinghouses and then they Skype in and they have speakers/prayers/musical numbers over Skype. It was interesting, but really cool! The church felt really packed because it was our branch combined with the branch from San Nicholas, which is at the other side of the island.
I hope you were all able to make it to the temple this past week! Now make it a goal to go again this week! I love you all a ton and hope you have a great and spiritual week!

Sister Davidson

1. We were craving pizza, and when you're on a gotta do what you gotta do!
2. Converted our apartment into a bike shop on Friday! Sister Cole's front tire was having all kinds of problems so we basically had to take it all apart and put it together again. I would be lying if I said no calls to the elders were made for help...

Sorry, I wasn't too good at taking pictures this week! I'll try to take more this week!

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