Candy got baptized! | May 14, 2018

May 14, 2018 Lauren 0 Comments

Hello family!
It was so great to see and talk to you all yesterday! I'm so glad that you're doing well, I love you all so much!
This weekend was awesome, as it was Candy's baptism! She was so excited and the service was beautiful. Candy doesn't have too much here in Aruba, so the branch stepped in to help and to make her feel special on her baptism day. The Relief Society bought her a new white skirt and blouse to wear after her baptism and went over before to help her get ready. The Primary room (where they hold the baptismal service) was full of members there to support her! And even though the majority of them can only speak Spanish and Papiamento, everyone spoke in English (the speakers and people who gave prayers knew English, but the branch president who gave the welcome and a counselor who conducted don't!), even if it was hard for them. It was so nice, because they wanted Candy to understand everything and to feel at home on her baptism day. She was so happy the entire time and just kept smiling. I've never seen her smile and laugh so much! It's been amazing to see how the gospel has changed her and made her a truly happier person.
It was really fun because Sister Cole and I, along with Sister Moore, a member, sang the song "When I am Baptized" at Candy's baptism. We did it a capella and changed it just a little...we gave it more of a fun twist! (I think Sister Moore posted it on Facebook? Her name is Diana Moore, she's from the US) It was super fun and we were so proud of ourselves! After we finished, we heard Candy lean over to the person next to her and say, "It just hits you in the heart." So I guess she liked it!
Today during personal study, I read John 6 which reminded me of Elder Christofferson's October conference talk, "The Living Bread Which Came Down from Heaven," ( so I read that too. It was awesome! You should all read that chapter and talk, I feel like I learned a lot about Christ from them. It is amazing to think about everything that Christ did for us. He and Heavenly Father love us so much and They want us to return to Them, and that's why They gave us Christ's Atonement! As we learn about Christ and His Atonement and apply His character to our lives, we prepare for the day that we will meet Him again! I love verse 35 of John 6: "And Jesus said unto them, am the bread of lifehe that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst." I know that Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life and the Living Water and that it's only through Him and that we can obtain eternal life! I encourage you all to study His life and attributes and apply them in your life.
I love you all so much! Thank you for the great examples that you are to me! I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Sister Davidson

1. Candy's baptism!
2. Contacting
3. Chalo burger for dinner!
4. A hilarious Chinese card that didn't exactly translate into English...

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