Look out Curacao...I'm driving! | May 21, 2018

September 03, 2018 Lauren 0 Comments

Hi family!
I'm now in Curacao! I got here Tuesday afternoon, so it's been almost a week, and I love it so much! Curacao is super green (especially compared to Aruba and Bonaire, desert islands) and much cooler too! We have a car here for nights, Sundays, and P-days, so I've been driving since Wednesday...and it's not as bad as I thought! You were all right, learning to drive in LA was a big help. People here drive similarly to the way they do there. There's no huge freeways, but people go pretty fast on the bigger streets. They're also really bad tailgaters...still not used to that one and I don't think I ever will be. But we've been safe so far and pray for safety every day! I actually like driving, it's fun! Except earlier this week, our car battery died...that was a bummer. We were sitting there waiting for an investigator to show up to the appt, and had the AC going (but it was only for about 10 minutes, so we're confused on why this happened), then turned the car off and when we went to turn it on again, the battery was dead :( So we called a member, Yvonne, and she came with her brother and they gave us a jump. Thank goodness! The Parr's (senior couple) were in Trinidad, so they weren't there to help us. So we've already had a fun adventure with the car, woohoo!
Church yesterday was super fun, I got to meet all the members and bear my testimony in sacrament meeting. Elder Weiss (a new elder in the field) and I are the only ones who are brand new to Curacao, every one else is either staying here or returning for a second time. There are 8 missionaries total, plus a senior couple and there is only one branch, so we all go to the same on! (In Aruba, there are 2.)
There are some really great investigators here that we are teaching, and I have yet to meet more this coming week. I am hoping to get to visit everyone at least once with Sister Garcia before she leaves and Sister Melendez comes in from Aruba (because when that happens, we'll be lost...neither of us have been here before!).
Sister Garcia is awesome! She is so fun to work with and I'm really sad that she's leaving and we only get a week together...I hope we'll be companions in the future! She is from Riverside, CA, so really close by! It's fun because Sister Melendez is from Fresno, so we will have all 3 of the Californian sisters together for 24 hours!
We had a really cool and cute experience while contacting this week:
We were walking down the street when three little children came up to us and started asking us if we had "things from church." We told them we had cards and pamphlets and started giving them some, and they told us to come and meet their mom! So we followed them across the street to their house, where there was about 7 other children (some were siblings, others were cousins) and they all started asking us for pamphlets and cards. They loved the pictures of Jesus! We talked to the mom and she told us that she was actually baptized into the church when she was 10! It didn't seem like she went for a very long time, because she didn't know much about the Church or our message. But all of her kids want to come to church and said they want to learn more about Jesus! It was so cute seeing all of them stare at and love the pictures of Christ, and it reminded me of when Christ blessed the children. They are so innocent and have such a desire to learn about Him, and will be a great example to their mom! We are hoping to go back and visit the house later this week. 
The little kids were ADORABLE and there were so many of them! They all called us Tanchi (Auntie, it's a formal way for them to address us) and kept shouting "Misa!" (church). It was hilarious and they totally cleaned us out of all our pamphlets and pass-along cards that we had with us. And now whenever they see us walking in the contact area, they yell "Tanchi!" and wave....they're the cutest!
I love you all so much and hope you have the best week! Remember that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you more than you can imagine :)

Sister Davidson

1. My room set-up...the beds here are huge and so comfy!
2 and 3. There is a small park really close to our house with all kinds of paths and trees and it's so pretty, so we walk there in the morning sometimes.
4. Sister Garcia and a stray puppy❤

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