March 12, 2018

April 01, 2018 Lauren 0 Comments

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great week. Sorry to hear that so many people are sick, I hope you are feeling better!
This week was really good! Nothing too exciting happened, but sometimes that can be a good thing!
We had a lesson with Ephraim, a referral from Salt Lake. He is very interested in our religion because of the lifestyle we lead (not drinking, smoking, honest people, etc) and got online and started talking with someone about that. He is from India, grew up in Dubai, and is now living here while he goes to med school for 2 years. We taught him the Restoration this week and it was a great lesson! As we talked about prophets, the Priesthood, and dispensations, he just kept nodding and saying "That makes sense." When we talked about the First Vision and Joseph Smith, he asked, "But how do I know that that actually happened? How can a regular person like me know if he was a prophet?" It was so cool! We committed him to pray about Joseph Smith. 
Other than that, there's not too much to report on. We have been doing a lot of contacting, which can be hard, but it's fun when you get to meet new and nice people.
The wind here has been crazy recently! We've talked to quite a few people and they say that this isn't normal and they're not sure why it's happening. But it's made riding bikes either really easy or really difficult, depending on which direction you ride...going against the wind is crazy! If we stop pedaling, we pretty much immediately come to a stop because the wind is so strong. It's crazy, but it's been a great workout!
I hope you all have a great week! Remember that the Lord is perfectly mindful of you and your situation and He is only a prayer away! He is our Father in Heaven and wants to hear from us, help us, and bless us! I love you all so much!


​Thanks for the cute new clothes (and shoes!) in the package! This is from yesterday, after church

I love the package!

​There was actually an overcast day (or at least morning) in Aruba! We were loving it! The sky was covered in clouds :)

I seriously loved it so much! I have a ton of pictures, but here's a few:
​Such cute clothes! I love my new closet :)
Love the London goodies! This pen is adorable, thanks Mom!

​​Scripture chasing the Easter egg papers!

​This sea lion is ADORABLE, I died! Love it, Katherine!

Thanks again! I won't feel so far from home for Easter :) You are all the best! I love you more than you can imagine!

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