Curacao ta Dushi! | May 28, 2018

September 03, 2018 Lauren 0 Comments

Bon tardi mi famia!
I hope all of you are doing well and having spiritual experiences!
This week in Curacao was great! Sister Melendez got here on Wednesday night and Sister Garcia left of Thursday...that was scary because that meant it was just me and Sister Melendez to find our way around! But we've been doing pretty well and have only made a few calls to Sister Garcia in Aruba for her help :)
There are 2 investigators with a  baptismal date here! One is Etson, an older man from Curacao, that the sisters have been teaching for about 2 months. He loves the gospel so much and just wants to follow God. He loves the Book of Mormon, but is almost blind, so once a week, we go to his house and read to him. The other person we are preparing for baptism is Selo, a man from Ghana. He has been taught on and off for about 5 years, and in our first lesson with him, we heard all about his history with the Church and the missionaries. He has always had an interest in the Church. It took him a while to accept the Book of Mormon, but one day he finally prayed about it (he would only accept the Bible for a long time and didn't want to pray about the Book of Mormon), received an answer that it's true, and has been studying it since! We are not quite sure why he's not baptized yet, other than he is very busy with work. But we extended a date to him and accepted!
We did lots of contacting this week and have met some really great people! Some of them are closed off, but there are lots who open up after we explain our message or bear testimony. The Spirit really does all the work, it's amazing to see!
I hope you all have a great week! I love and miss you all and am always praying for you!

Sister Davidson

1. In front of the church sign
2. A cute little farm we passed by on our bikes
3. We REFUSE to make more than 1 trip to take groceries inside
4. California missionaries❤

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