What a Wonderful Week! | June 4, 2018

September 03, 2018 Lauren 0 Comments

Hello family!
I hope you are doing great today! There are a lot of great things that I want to share with you today, so I'll just bullet them:
  • Peter, a less-active member, came to church yesterday! We met with him on Saturday and talked about the importance of the Sacrament. He told us that his only day to work is Sunday, so it's hard for him to come to church, but we made him some really amazing promises, and on Sunday, he was there! We were so happy to see that he made that sacrifice for the Lord!
  • A man in church bore his testimony yesterday and told a really amazing story. He needed some groceries for a dinner party he was having, so he went to the store and bought some basic things like bread, cheese, vegetables, etc. Then, when he got off the bus at his stop, he left the groceries. He was super sad, but ended up making it work. Then, the next day, he saw that he had a missed call and a voicemail from a number he didn't recognize. He listened to the voicemail and all it said was, "Thank you for the food." I know that the Lord has His perfect plan and that everything happens for a reason!
  • Kim, a recent convert, has a giant mango tree in front of her house and filled up a bag with mangoes and gave it to us, so now we have a never-ending supply of mangoes (except it's going to run out soon because we eat about 3 per day). They are the sweetest, most delicious things ever! Nothing compares to Caribbean mangoes!
  • We buy most of our produce here from some boats that go back and forth between here and Venezuela, and they bring fresh fruits and veggies from there! It was closed because of the problems in Venezuela for a while, but now it's open again. The produce is really cheap and tastes amazing!
  • We were talking to Etson, our investigator, about baseball (the biggest sport in Curacao). He LOVES baseball and was telling us about all the YDK players (yiu di Korsou...people from Curacao) in the States, like Kelly Jansen, the pitcher for the Dodgers, and Elton Simmons, shortstop for the Angels! That was cool, I'm now a huge baseball fan!
  • This week, I had a really great, spiritual experience. We left our apartment in the morning and were on our way to our first appointment. I was thinking about school and when I would start and said a silent prayer that Heavenly Father would help me know what to do. The first thought that came to my head was, "Talk to the first person you see on this street." I decided I was going to follow the prompting without hesitation, and we soon came upon a man walking on the side of the road. I stopped and we started talking to him. He was a sweet, old man named Sterling who was very receptive to our message! We gave him a pamphlet and set up an appointment with him. He said he loves God and going to church, and I could tell he enjoyed talking to us. At first, I was preoccupied with myself, but the Lord showed me that I need to turn outwards and be aware of those around me and serve them. It was a great experience and I know Heavenly Father placed us in Sterling's path. 
I love you all so, so much! Have a dushi week!

Sister Davidson

1. Walking in our new contact area
2. Palm tree plantation! (maybe for coconuts?)
3. Selfie :)
4. Kriyoyo food (traditional food from Curacao)
5 and 6. The most famous part of Curacao...the colorful buildings!

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