King's Day and Labor Day | May 2, 2018

May 14, 2018 Lauren 0 Comments

Hi family! I hope everyone's week was awesome!
Sorry this email is coming so late! The end of last week was King's Day and Tuesday was Labor Day, so it's been a whole weekend of holidays here in Aruba. So basically since Friday, everything has been shut down, so we had to email today.
This past week was great! Not too many exciting things happened, just lots of teaching (our favorite!). We have been having great lessons with our investigators and focusing on the importance of praying to know if the Book of Mormon is true. Lots of them have potential and desires to know, but we felt like some were missing that understanding that everything rests on the truth of the Book of Mormon. So the lessons have been focused a lot on prayer and the Holy Ghost, and they have been such spiritual lessons!
On Saturday, we had an activity at the church. Every auxiliary organziation had prepared a little skit from the Book of Mormon and performed it. It was so fun! The primary's was probably my favorite. They performed the search for the Brass Plates, and the best part was the sunbeams dressed up as little sheep and making "baa" noises. It was the cutest thing ever!
This week I was reading an article from the January Liahona about temples (it was really good, I highly recommend it). I am so thankful for the temple, and we are so blessed to live in a place with temples so close by! I love the temple, and I know that it really is the House of Lord where we can receive revelation and guidance from our Heavenly Father. I encourage you all to go to the temple this week! Even if you can't go in, go to the grounds! The Spirit is so strong there and the Lord blesses us when we take time out of our busy schedules to go to His house.
I love you all and hope this week is great!

Sister Davidson

1 and 2. We had a district activity and climbed of the tallest points in Aruba! It's kind of just a steep hill...But you can see a lot from the top!
3. We had exchanges last Tuesday and I got to be with Sister Melendez :)
4. A member fed us San favorite!
5. A traditional Aruban house​

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