April 23, 2018

May 14, 2018 Lauren 0 Comments

Hello family! I love you all and hope you had a great week!
This week was really great! We had lots of awesome lessons. We have still been really busy with teaching investigators, which is such a blessing! It has been really great to see the fruits of our labors these past couple of weeks.
Three lessons that we had really stick out as great, spiritual experiences:
1. Rafael- He is a new investigator that we taught on Sunday. We brought a member with us and taught the first part of the Restoration (everything before Joseph Smith). He and the member hit it off almost immediately, which is always super nice because now he has a friend! This member was awesome to bring with us too because he was a missionary not too long ago, so teaching with him was basically like teaching in a trio. He said the exact things that Sister Cole were planning on saying...the Spirit is amazing! Anyway, Rafael understood really well, and after we explained the Great Apostasy at the end of the lesson, he asked, "If all these churches were formed during the apostasy, how do you know which one is right?" We told him that we have his answer and that we're going to talk about it next time. He really wants to know the truth and has so much potential!
2. Ephraim- We were teaching Ephraim this week, and in the middle of the lesson, two of his friends came over and joined us. Since they joined in the middle of the Plan of Salvation lesson, they had lots of questions, so we spent most of the time answering their questions and talking about the main part of our message. One of his friends told us, "I've always wondered this and love asking people because everyone has a different opinion- What was the first religion? And why are there so many today?" That's the PERFECT question! We gave him a pamphlet of the Restoration and explained a little. He was really excited to get the pamphlet and showed it to another friend and said, "This has my answer." It was so cool! He is visiting here from Canada, so we are hoping to send his information to the missionaries there because he had great questions that could all be answered through the Gospel!
3. Dennis- Dennis is a Dutch man that we have visited a few times, but haven't ever been able to teach too much because there is a pretty big language barrier. We don't speak Dutch and his English is mas o menos, so it can be hard to teach. Also, he doesn't know too much about God or Jesus Christ, which we are not used to, so we had to start from square one with him. But he has been making progress and praying throughout the week to know God! We had a lesson with him this week and started talking about prophets and the Priesthood. We had tried to do this once before, but he didn't understand it, so we backed up. But this time, we tried again, and he totally got it! He was very engaged in the lesson, asking questions and giving really good insight! He has made lots of really great progress, and next time we go, we will teach about Joseph Smith, we're super excited! The Spirit was really the teacher in that lesson because he was able to understand so well.
Other than that, this week was pretty normal. But it was good! Except for when I taking my water bottle out of the freezer and dropped it so the lid broke and shattered :( That was sad. But I'm using a spare water bottle for now until I get a new one (Mom- there's something I need!). But overall, it was a great week full of the Spirit!
I love you all so much! Good luck in everything you're doing (Dallin- fly safe to China!), and make it the best week ever! Thanks for always being my example :)

Sister Davidson

1. Practicing our fishy faces while waiting for people to come to a lesson
2. Pretty sunset
3. We made taco soup in the Crockpot this week! Pic of me putting cheese on top...delicious!
4. Going grocery shopping this morning :)

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