Birthday! | June 11, 2018

September 03, 2018 Lauren 0 Comments

Thank you all so so so much for the birthday package! I absolutely loved it! Cami, the bridesmaid dress is so pretty and I started bawling when I read your note, haha! I love it and am saving it for July 5 :) Thanks for all the thought you all put into it, it's one of the best birthdays ever! I love all the family pictures, they make me so happy! Love you all tons!


P.S. Sister Melendez LOVED her gifts! She was so thankful! When she saw the clothes, she said, "Yay! Now I'll have something new to wear for zone conference!" She kept telling me how nice you all are to send her those things and the smile on her face was so big, I know she loved it!​

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