Sickie :( | April 9, 2018

May 14, 2018 Lauren 0 Comments

Hello family! How are you all doing?
This week was really great! Unfortunately, it got interrupted in the middle when I got sick :( I'm not sure what I had because my temperature was normal, but I threw up like crazy (sorry, TMI). We heard of a couple other people who had the same thing, so it must've been something going around. But after lots of rest and liquids, I'm feeling much better now! By the way, thank you for my Christmas and Easter gifts of the Breakfast at Tiffany's nails kit and the candle! I used them when I was sick and they helped me to feel better :)
Our investigators are doing great! One of them, Brandon, has been progressing slowly but we are starting to see some real change in him. We taught him about the Book of Mormon last time, and when we went back for our next lesson on Saturday, he had read 3 Nephi 11 and said that it was amazing and refreshing to read a different account of Jesus Christ. Then when we assigned another chapter to read, he asked if we could give him two, in case he finished the one before our next visit! He's really cool.
We also had such a fun and spiritual experience this week!:
This week, as we were riding our bikes towards a potential contact area, a car drove up next to us and started going really slowly as the passengers inside stared at us with the windows down. Sister Cole and I thought it was a little strange, but then the woman in the car said, "Do you remember Cindy?" Cindy is a less active that the other sisters were teaching, but they handed her over to us because she lives in our area. We had been trying to get in contact with her but had been unsuccessful. We said yes, and she pointed to herself and said, "That's me!" Then they pulled the car over, got out, and she gave us big hugs as if she had known us forever. She has the cutest little family and they invited us over. Since we didn't have any appointments, we followed them to their house and were able to have our first meeting with them. They love having the missionaries over and as we were leaving that day, she said, "You should come by on a Monday night and we'll do a family home evening!" This was such an amazing experience that was 100% directed by the Lord. It was such a blessing to be in the right place at the right time to be able to see and meet Cindy and her family.  
This was so cool! The Veles family (Cindy and her family) are so nice and welcoming and always tell us, "The door is always open, whenever you need anything, just come to us!" Cindy grew up in the Church and has memories of the missionaries coming over a lot, so she likes having us over to teach her family. :)
Also, the other week we had a Family Home Evening with another less-active woman, Patricia, and her 2 kids, Dallin and Joshua. We were in charge of the game, so we played Gospel Pictionary. Dallin, who's 13, was in a bad mood and didn't want to participate, but he came out for the game. At a different appointment that we had with Patricia, she said that Dallin told her that he actually really liked the FHE and the game, but told her not to tell us! He also asked her when we could do another we have one planned for this Tuesday! Sister Cole and I thought that was so cute and were glad he really enjoyed it.
I love you all so much! I pray for you every single day! Thank you for the amazing examples that you all are for me! I hope you have an awesome week!

Sister Davidson

1. For the longest time, we only had a hand/emergency pump for our tires, so they were never fully pump up because it took forever! But we finally got a real pump this week...the difference in our tires is AMAZING! Who knew?!
2. Selfie in our new contact's so cute! All the houses are new and modern
3. Sunset (Action shot, taken while riding my bike, sorry it's blurry)
4 and 5. Cindy made us Colombian arepas! They were delicious! The second picture is me and Sister Cole, Cindy, and her son Simon in the back.

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